How much money can you make while you Bake? - Career prospects in Baking
Posted by JOY KART

Ever tried to bake a cake on your own? If yes, there are enough of supporting Baker genes running in you.
Baking, a stone age practiced profession, has been one of the very resourceful and artistic culinary techniques used for making bread and other confectioneries. The process of "baking food" requires dry heat, that is introduced by the means of Oven, or hot ashes and stones. Baking may sound easy, but in the true sense, it's a task that has to be performed with caution and patience.
The 3 P Baking Principle works as the backbone of the Baking Industry.
PRECAUTION - While baking, you have to be very cautious about the ingredients and the quantity in which they are to be mixed. Then when it is time to bake, you should be well aware of the time till which it has to be baked for the perfect taste to hit our taste buds.
PRECISION - The ingredients in the most precise amount give your food a totally authentic taste, rarely to be found. The lack of proper knowledge has costed the baked goods to lose their authentic taste.
PATIENCE - The last one but not the least one. A baker's patience is something you can think of inculcating after meditating for years. This patience plays a game-changer, the more patiently you bake, the tastier is your cake.
The world trends have seen a sudden rise in the demands of baked goods and hence, has created a playground of opportunities for those "Brutal Bakers" who bake and bake and bake, till it tastes great. In India, the average observed growth rate of the Baking Industry is 4-5%, regardless of the fact that very few are Qualified Professionals. Actually, a very supportive reason for the above statement would be that we Indians have been carrying genes that give us such artistic Culinary skills. The Indian streets have long survived our world-class delicacies and also brought improvisations to them, stabilizing their compatibility with the time.
How can you become a Baker?
Baking has been one of the oldest professions in the world. The ancient ones did not have enough qualifications that proclaimed them as Bakers, but it was a totally different era. The time has changed now, and the level of rising competition the profession is seeing, just cannot be tracked. You need to be perfect or somewhat near to that, to lead even after such harsh competition. Baking requires both Art and Science, and this is what makes it DIFFERENT and DIFFICULT (the 2 important D's of Baking).
Many institutes in India offer a course in Hotel Management which also includes an exclusive subject of Baking.
Hotel Management, a 3-year program, has attracted many aspirants over the last few years. Admission to any of the recognized Hotel Management institute in India is based on the joint entrance exam conducted by the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT). Any individual with 10+2 or equivalent in any stream is eligible for the test. And the rest depends on how much you score.
You can also go for a Certificate or Diploma course in Baking which would be an add-on to your skills. But in the end, it's about your interest. Any work that is carried out with a lack of interest has never been able to create extraordinary results. Superficial results have already occupied the market and are somehow managing to survive, but it's extraordinary that separates you out, gives you an identification of your own.
Career Options:
The time has flown by when Bakers did not have many considerable options and were not valued. With increasing awareness among the community regarding healthy foods and the speeding cafe culture, the baking skills are being valued in the market. We know what it takes to get that Blueberry Cheesecake on the table, and we value you for that. There are ample options to choose from after you have acquired a complete knowledge of Baking.
- You can put your baking skills and knowledge on show in any of the renowned Restaurant, Hotel or Café in your town and kickstart your baking career. The recognition and experience you’ll get will be a boost to your skills
- Opening a Bakery of your own is another good option for you. A little bit of management and a whole lot of your baking skills result in a Bakery driving success.
- How about running your business from home, at your convenience? You can sell your Baking products from home through personal contacts or your own e-commerce site.
- If you could not nail any of the above options, no worries. Work under any good baker as a Trainee and gain some experience to add that much needed finishing touch to your craft.
How much can you make of it?
On average, a person working in a medium scale bakery, as a Trainee, can make anywhere between 15,000 to 20,000 a month based on the hard work. A highly experienced Baker can easily grab a job in any of the upscale restaurants and bakeries, earning around 70,000-80,000 a month.
And if you are all set to open up your bakehouse, then within a few months of hard work and delivering quality eatables, you can easily earn a profit up to 1 Lacs, and further rising on.
The prospects of Baking as a career are turning out very fruitful, in terms of money as well as learning. And the sense of happiness you get when your stuff is praised is something only a Baker can understand.
Don’t let that curious and creative Baker inside you die just to achieve something that’s not even as valuable to you. Your calling will always guide you the correct trajectory to choose.